Getting Life Insurance With Eating Disorders 2024 Guide - PinnacleQuote

Getting Life Insurance With Eating Disorders 2024 Guide

If you are in search of life insurance with eating disorders, you’ve come to the right place!

I’m not sure if you are aware, but eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia can make it difficult to get life insurance. It’s frustrating because many people who suffer from these conditions depend on life insurance in order to cover the cost of care when they become too sick or weak for work.

To help address this issue, we have compiled a list of tips that will make getting coverage easier! This blog post is perfect for senior consumers looking into finding life insurance with an eating disorder.

Life Insurance With An Eating Disorder

How will a life insurance company know if I have an eating disorder? Eating disorders, just like any mental illness such as obsessive-compulsive disorder is a pre-existing condition.

In the first place, insurance companies evaluate your medical records.

Based on your physician statements and medical records and how well managed and in control, you are, will determine your rate and getting the most affordable rates possible.

Eating Disorder and Life Insurance Underwriting

Eating disorders if not controlled, will leave you at higher risk for other medical conditions. And, underwriters will assess this risk based on your medical records, as we stated above.

Underwriters will have several questions for you, and upon completing your application, you must be honest when completing your application form.

  • When did you get diagnosed with an eating disorder?
  • Which eating disorder are you diagnosed with?
  • How many episodes have you had?
  • Has your weight been balanced since diagnosed?
  • Do you have other medical conditions such as depression or psychotic disorders?
  • Have you been hospitalized for your eating disorder, if so, When? For how long?
  • Are you currently being treated by a physician for your eating disorder?
  • What treatment plan does your physician have you on?
  • Do you currently see a psychologist or psychiatrist for your eating disorder?

Best Life Insurance Quotes After An Eating Disorder

We know that there is no cure for eating disorders. However, life insurance carriers will want to know what medications you are taking. Some medications are not qualifying, depending on the carrier.

Moreover, every carrier will treat you differently, as they all have different guidelines. Certain medical conditions that may be considered high risk or antidepressants will not be insurable.

Do not fret!  If you are well managed, or your eating disorder is a past medical condition, you will, in fact, get the most affordable life insurance possible.

Binge Eating Disorder Quotes

What about life insurance with bulimia nervosa? Or life insurance with anorexia nervosa?

Both bulimia nervosa quotes and anorexia nervosa quotes will be treated the same by the insurance carriers and underwriting. If you have recovered, you can still qualify for life insurance.

Keep in mind, based on the underwriting questions, your application, and any other health conditions will determine your rating class.

What is an Eating Disorder

Eating disorder is an illness. People experience emotional and psychological behaviors that affect their thoughts and emotions. Most people will be obsessed with food and weight.

They have low self-esteem. As a result, they feel fat, see themselves as overweight when they are not.  Will starve themselves.Many people suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder, drug, and alcohol abuse or high levels of anxiety.

In fact, according to the American Psychiatric Association, most women between the age of 12 and 35 suffer anorexia and bulimia disorders.

Life After Anorexia

  • Limit food intake
  • Fear of getting fat
  • Body image issues

Life After Bulimia

  • Eat large amounts of food in short periods
  • They eat very fast
  • They purge after they eat either by using a laxative or self-induced vomiting

Anorexia Life Expectancy

According to Medical News Today, someone with anorexia has 5.9 times the risk of dying early. Overall, bulimia doubles the risk of premature death.

In fact, diagnosed in your 20’s, you have 18 times the risk of death compared to healthy people the same age.

Why Insurance Companies Don’t Cover Eating Disorders

Why would I be denied life insurance for my eating disorder? Like we mentioned above, there are several factors why you might be denied, such as:

  • Not well managed
  • Medications that are not insurable
  • Other health risks such as cancer
  • Depression
  • Low blood pressure
  • Severe Dehydration
  • Anemia
  • Kidney Failure
  • Suicide ideation

With that said, you would qualify for a Guaranteed Acceptance Policy. Under those circumstances, there is a 2-year waiting period.  With this in mind, there are no health questions.

Bulimia and Esophageal Cancer

What is bulimia esophagus cancer and life insurance?

In fact, there have been several case studies that bulimia is the cause of Adenocarcinoma of the esophagus. Binging and purging cause high amounts of stomach acid.

As a result, the acid aggravates the esophageal walls. Consequently, the acid also creates risk for Barrett’s Esophagus. Given these points, much gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) patients suffer from this illness.

Bulimia Nervosa Treatment Centers

PinnacleQuote Life Insurance Specialists are based in Jacksonville, Florida.

In researching this topic, I found a treatment center and one of the best eating disorder clinics about 2 hours away in Orlando, Florida to be exact.

Interested in this clinic? For more information, CLICK HERE.

For more general information about eating disorders, CLICK HERE.


Can individuals with a history of eating disorders get life insurance?

Yes, it’s possible to obtain life insurance with a history of eating disorders, but the approval, premiums, and terms might vary depending on the severity and history of the disorder.

How do eating disorders affect life insurance eligibility and premiums?

Eating disorders can be seen as a higher risk by insurers due to potential associated health complications. This can lead to higher premiums or affect eligibility depending on the individual’s health status and recovery progress.

What types of life insurance are available for people with a history of eating disorders?

Both term life insurance and whole life insurance are options. The best choice depends on individual needs, the current state of health, and financial considerations.

Is a medical exam required for obtaining life insurance with an eating disorder?

Many life insurance policies require a medical exam, but there are also no-exam policies available, which might come with higher premiums.

What information about the eating disorder must be disclosed when applying for life insurance?

Applicants should disclose the type of eating disorder, treatment history, any hospitalizations, current health status, and any ongoing management or therapy.

Will the type of eating disorder affect life insurance rates?

The specific type of eating disorder can impact rates, as different disorders have varying implications on overall health.

How can individuals with eating disorders secure more favorable insurance rates?

Demonstrating effective management of the disorder, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and having a stable weight can help in securing more favorable rates.

Are there life insurance policies that cater specifically to individuals with a history of eating disorders?

While there are no policies specifically for individuals with eating disorders, many insurers have experience underwriting policies for people with complex health histories.

What should be considered when choosing a life insurance policy for someone with an eating disorder?

Consider the coverage amount, policy term, premium cost, and how the policy accommodates the individual’s health condition and treatment history.

Can improvements in health after an eating disorder lead to better insurance premiums?

Yes, showing improvement in health and stable recovery can lead to a re-evaluation of your premiums.

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Eating disorders are a serious issue and can be difficult to cope with. Like any other mental health condition, it is important that you don’t keep your eating disorder a secret when getting life insurance as not doing so could have disastrous consequences on the coverage of your policy.

If you’re struggling with an eating disorder or know someone who does, please reach out for help today. The sooner you seek treatment, the better off you will be in the long run!

I hope this blog was helpful to those looking into how life insurance companies treat people suffering from eating disorders and what they need to do before taking out their policies. Have any questions?

Get in touch by calling 855-380-3300 or click on get a quote!

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